Totally Loaded Nachos

Nothing beats a massive plate of nachos covered with all things that are good. And, may we say it?

This is absolutely the way to go. We’ve got beef. We’ve got beans. We’ve got chorizo. And oh yeah, we’ve got a whole scorpion pepper pod tucked into this mix. It’s like a little surprise in there with the meats.

And, that’s hardly where the goodness ends. Sour cream, guacamole, salsa, and plenty of melted cheese make this an irresistible plate of food. You’re not going to find anything better at any ball park or sports bar. Unless they’re also adding a pepper pod to their mess of ingredients, it’s just not possible.

What’s particularly nice about these nachos is that you can take them out of the oven and serve them on the baking sheet they were made on. It’s the perfect snack food for game day or simply because the whole family is gathered around the television for that one show you just can’t get enough of.

But, if you need another excuse… how about National Nachos Day (6 November).

Don’t worry if you’ve missed it – it’s not a major holiday; you can schedule a Totally Loaded Nachos Day any time you like.

1 each Mad Dog 357 Scorpion Pepper Pod, finely chopped
1 can (16oz) Refried beans
1 pound Ground beef, browned and drained
½ pound Chorizo, browned and drained
1 can (8oz) Tomato sauce
3 tablespoons Taco sauce
1 bag Tortilla chips
2 cups Cheddar cheese, shredded
¼ cup Olives, sliced
¼ cup Scallions, sliced
½ cup Lettuce, shredded
½ cup Guacamole
½ cup Sour cream
½ cup Salsa

Preheat your oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with baking paper or foil.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the finely chopped Mad Dog 357 Scorpion Pepper Pod with the beans, beef, chorizo, tomato sauce, and taco sauce. Give everything a good mix and then set aside.

Spread the chips on the lined baking sheet and then layer the meat, cheese, olives, and scallions – any way you like – with cheese as the top layer. Place in the oven and cook until the cheese is just melted.

Remove from the oven, top with the remaining ingredients and serve with a little more Mad Dog Hot Sauce on the side.

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