How Hot Peppers Promote Weight Loss

The fall and winter seasons are typically the time of year most of us tend to put on a few extra pounds.

After all, with the holiday season quickly approaching its often time spent around the dessert table or filling up on tasty, yet not entirely healthy, food and drink. Despite all this, if you’re still hoping to lose a couple of pounds before the New Year, or if you’re simply just hoping to keep your weight in check, there’s definitely hope. Of course, it means adding some real spice to your next snack or meal.

Many studies suggest that hot peppers, and therefore some hot pepper products on the market, play a role in promoting weight loss.

That’s because capsaicin, the stuff that makes hot peppers so hot, can likely help you from gaining weight, even perhaps paired with a high-calorie diet. When you eat hot peppers, the capsaicin heats you up and starts causing your body to burn extra energy and calories. It can be a real jumpstart to your metabolism. While capsaicin can’t, of course, do all the work for you, after all, you still need to exercise, it’s said that adding hot peppers to your diet can certainly help, even if it’s just a small step in the dieting and weight loss process.

If that’s not enough, consider that hot peppers themselves are extremely low in calories and they’re full of added nutrients. In particular, chili peppers are packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and a number of other healthy nutrients that are important to maintaining a balanced diet. You can eat raw hot peppers, cooked peppers or add in powdered peppers to your meal. You can also step things up a notch with a dash of hot sauce or even a small amount of fiery hot pepper extract.

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